
Get a Healthy Heart with Yoga

 Get a Healthy Heart with Yoga

29 September World Heart Health day but everyone known this. So love heart , love your self.

Heart diseases are at the peak during the present time. Most people suffer from high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Along with these smoking habits also causes heart disease. Increased cholesterol and blood pressure levels result from anxiety, stress, poor diet and lack of physical activity. Experts say that healthy eating, exercise and meditation are the best lifestyle choices to prevent and reverse heart diseases.

Yoga emphasises on breath, focus and meditation. Practicing yoga brings about a deeper awareness of the body, mind and emotions allowing you to become more tuned in with your physical and mental health. Yoga increases lung capacity and improves cardiovascular health, respiratory function and heart rate. It even builds muscle, boosts blood circulation, and decreases inflammation. So step onto your mat and try out these four poses that will help you to improve your heart health.

Padangusthasana: Big Toe Pose

This yoga pose helps to regulate blood pressure and ease stress and anxiety. You need to stand tall with your feet hip-width apart. Place your hands on the hips. Inhale and exhale folding forward to grab your big toes or hang forward to grab your opposite elbows. Draw your belly in and lift your sit bones towards the sky. Then activate your quadriceps and allow your neck and head to relax down. Bend your knees slightly if your hamstrings are tight and if flexible then draw your torso towards your legs. Hold this for 5 to 10 breath cycles. 

Janu Sirsasana: Head-to-Knee Forward Bend

This pose reduces anxiety and fatigue and is therapeutic for high blood pressure. From a seated position extend your legs forward. Bend your right knee outwards to a 90-degree angle and press your right foot into the inner left thigh. Grab your left foot, inhale, square your hips, and lengthen your torso over your straight leg. Then exhale and fold forward slowly from the groin. Extend your spine and lengthen through your chest. Keep your back long and flat and pull your left toes back towards you and extend through the left heel while firmly pressing your right foot into the left thigh. Allow your sit bones to press down towards the floor. Stay in this position for 5 to 10 breath cycles and switch sides. 

Supta Padangusthasana: Reclining Big Toe Pose

This asana is good for your heart as it helps to reduce high blood pressure. Lie on your back with your arms along the sides and extended legs activated. Rest your head on the floor, inhale, bend your right knee and clasp your right big toe with your right fingers. Then place your left hand on top of your upper left thigh to stabilise the left leg down. Actively reach through the pointed toes, exhale, and straighten your right leg as far as your flexibility allows you to go. Then inhale, lift your head up towards your right leg and keep the left leg down. Hold this for 5 breath cycles and switch sides.

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana: Bridge Pose

This yoga posture relieves stress, anxiety and fatigue. It also lowers high blood pressure. Lie down on your back and bend your knees with your feet on the floor hip-width apart. Bring your feet as close as possible to the sitting bones. Inhale and press your feet and arms actively into the floor. Then lift your hips up. Stay firm but don’t harden the glutes. Clasp your hands together and walk your shoulders down. Then press onto the floor with your feet and arms. Lift your chest, reach for the front of your legs and lift your pelvis towards the sky. Hold this for 5 breath cycles and repeat 2-3 times.

           Weight loss, Health, Fitness and Child Nutrition Guidance visit Get to Fit.

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Related post : Why Exercise Important?

Weight loss can lead to reduced joint pain in the obese!


Weight loss can lead to reduced joint pain in the obese!

Weight loss promises a healthy body and peaceful mind. And hence, it is recommended for everyone to maintain an ideal body weight. Weight loss becomes extremely important for those who suffer from joint disorder issues, hence they are often told to lose extra kilos. A new study has found that people with joint disorder issues can get relieve in joint pain by losing weight.

The study
The study was published in the medical journal Arthritis Care and Research. Researchers analysed 240 overweight people and obese adults who were suffering from joint pain and knee osteoarthritis. They were asked to lose weight within 18-month period. Some lost less than 5 per cent of their body weight and a few lost between 5 and 10 per cent of their body weight. There were people who managed to lose between 10 and 20 per cent of their body weight.

The analysis
Researchers analysed that everyone got relief from pain, knee and joint load and inflammation as they lost weight and hence, their quality of life also got improved. But what they concluded was those who lost more weight, experienced more relief from health issues. People who managed to lose between 10 and 20 per cent of their body weight, got more health benefits.

A leading researcher in the study mentioned, "Currently, there is no treatment that slows the progression or prevents this debilitating disease; hence, research has focused on improving clinical outcomes important to the patient."

He also added, "A 10 per cent weight loss is the established target recommended by the National Institutes of Health as an initial weight loss for overweight and obese adults. The importance of our study is that a weight loss of 20 per cent or more results in better clinical outcomes, and is achievable without surgical or pharmacologic intervention."

A few exercises to reduce knee pain for obese people
Hamstring Stretch
Sit on the edge of your chair, straighten one leg out in front of your body with your heel on the floor. Your toes should be pointed towards the ceiling. Now, sit up straight and try pushing your navel towards your thigh. Do not lean the trunk of your body forward. Repeat it 3 times for each leg.

Calf Raises
Stand facing the back of your chair and slowly raise your heels, as high as you can. Now go back to the original position. Do 3 sets of 10-15 repetition.

Up and Downs
Sit in a firm, armless chair with your feet flat on the floor with arms straight on the sides. Slowly stand up and after a few seconds, slowly sit down again. Do this exercise at least for a minute.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article should not be considered as a substitute for physician's advice. Please consult your treating physician for more details.

How To Fight PCOS With Diet And Nutrition


How To Fight PCOS With Diet And Nutrition


Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a common ovarian disorder that affects around 15 to 20 per cent of women in the reproductive age. One in five women in India suffers from it. A majority remain unaware of the condition due to lack of sensitisation. The condition affects a woman’s hormonal levels. PCOS also exposes women to a higher risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, depression and obesity. Major contributors to this condition are excessive weight, sedentary lifestyle and improper diet.

Some of the noticeable symptoms are irregular menstrual cycle, darkening of the neck, acne, hair loss and weight-related issues. However, the symptoms and their severity vary.

While there is no cure for PCOS, the disorder is mostly manageable through prescribed hormonal medicines. Naturally, the condition can be brought under control with a holistic diet supported by lifestyle changes. Nutrition plays a vital role in sustaining your overall well-being and thereby managing your PCOS without having to pop pills with damaging side effects.

Here’s what you can include in their diet to effectively manage PCOS:

Including Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Plant-based anti-inflammatory food is extremely useful for decreasing the cortisol levels in the body. Incorporating leafy vegetables like spinach, basil, drinking wheatgrass juice, adding legumes, pulses or including tomatoes in salads is a good way of reducing inflammation in the body, thereby helping to reduce weight, the root cause of many health issues.

Green tea is enriched with immunity-boosting and inflammatory properties; frequent consumption of this soothing beverage is highly recommended. It helps to reduce the cortisol levels and thus regulates the menstrual cycle, controls obesity, infertility, blood sugar, and weight. Additionally, cinnamon and curcumin are both soothing and useful and highly anti-inflammatory, which improves insulin resistance.

Including Fiber



Fiber-rich food promotes the feeling of fullness for a long time. The basic characteristic of fiber is to make you sustain for a long stretch without getting hunger pranks, thereby, helping manage weight.  A fiber-rich diet can also help improve insulin sensitivity. Studies suggest that there is an inverse relationship between fiber intake and insulin resistance, meaning consumption of high fiber diet not only helps to keep a check on weight gain but also help ease the metabolic complication that comes with PCOS.

Adopting Low GI Diet

The glycemic index (GI) is a ranking system that classifies carb-containing foods by their impact on blood sugar levels. There are three GI ratings: low, medium and high. Foods with a low GI value are preferred. They are digested and absorbed slowly, causing a slower and smaller rise in the blood sugar levels. Make a note to include fruits, carrots, chickpeas, kidney beans, lentils and bran breakfast cereals that help lower blood sugar levels.

Choosing Lean Protein And Healthy Fats

High intake of protein and healthy fats are proven to improve insulin resistance. Omega-3 fatty acids help balance your hormones. And, a high-protein diet is much more filling and helps reduce insulin levels, both of which can have positive effects on PCOS symptoms.

You can get healthy fats and lean proteins from unsalted nuts and seeds, lean meat, oily fish, beans, tofu and olive oil.


Cutting Down On Carbs And Limiting Sugar Intake

Reducing carb and limiting refined sugar intake helps improve the hormonal imbalance linked to PCOS and also boost weight loss in women with PCOS. Include healthy carbs like pure oats, quinoa and brown rice in your diet, it will improve insulin resistance. A healthier way to combat sweet cravings is to snack on fiber-rich fruits like apples, bananas, strawberries etc.

Lastly, make sure you add more high chromium and zinc foods in the diet, they help in managing the hormonal imbalance. Include folate and biotin-rich foods to control excessive hair fall experienced due to this metabolic complication. Repeat your tests on time to keep a check on your progress. Stay motivated and stress-free to speed up the recovery process. Remember, small and vital lifestyle transformations will help you manage your symptoms better!

Also Read: A Gynaecologist Debunks 4 Common Myths Attached To PCOS

  Weight loss, Health, Fitness and Child Nutrition Guidance visit Get to Fit.

Registration : Online Weight loss Coaching & Challenge

Related post :-Why Important Healthy Breakfast ? | How to Creating Your Healthy eating & Healthy Breakfast ?

Resource :- FEMINA

Kids and Breakfast: Real Life Advice


Kids and Breakfast: Real Life Advice

Kids and breakfast: an uneasy alliance.

Studies have been conducted with parents of children aged 6 to 12 to get an idea of how many kids usually have breakfast at home in the morning before school, and the overall results have shown that more than 70 percent said their kids ate breakfast at home every day, while only about five percent reported that their kids always skipped it.

That’s the good news. But what kids have been eating has cast a shadow on these facts. Most kids are having plenty of refined carbs with their morning meals, but not much protein. And fruit intake is pretty scanty, too. Kids’ top breakfast choices are refined grain products, foods like cold cereal, waffles, pancakes, toast and bagels.

There’s more to breakfast than a full stomach. Kids need healthy carbohydrates like whole-grain breads and cereals and fresh fruits to provide fuel to active muscles and busy brains. And a good shot of protein in the morning from foods like eggs and low-fat dairy products not only keeps kids from getting too hungry, but it also helps keep them mentally alert. A recent USDA report said that our kids aren’t getting nearly enough calcium, vitamin D, potassium or fiber in their diets. All of these could be supplied by a breakfast that included fruit, dairy products and whole grains.

We’re all busy in the morning, and it may be tempting to take the path of least resistance when it comes to making sure that kids eat. If they say they’re not hungry, why push? If they’re in a rush, busy parents may find it easier – or believe it’s faster – to pick something up on the way to school than to help kids put together a healthy breakfast at home.

But I wonder, does it really take that long to prepare a bowl of high-fiber cereal and fruit, make a slice of whole-grain toast to be eaten with a carton of yogurt, or whip up a quick protein smoothie in the blender?

Remember, just because a belly is full doesn’t mean the brain and muscles are getting the fuel they need.

### Weight loss, Health, Fitness and Child Nutrition Guidance visit Get to Fit


3 Ways a Morning Workout Can Improve Your More Active Whole Day


3 Ways a Morning Workout Can Improve Your More Active Whole Day....

Do you struggle to get your day started? Find out how to start it on the right foot with a morning workout.

I love mornings. I happily jump out of bed with a smile to make my cup of tea. And that’s all before 7 a.m. To some, that may sound like torture, especially if you struggle to get out of bed in the morning. I’m not going to suggest that you jump right into a routine of getting up at 5am, but I will suggest that you consider getting up a few minutes earlier each day until you can fit in a full 30-minute morning workout.

If you can make being active in the morning a natural part of your daily routine, I believe that you’ll start to see changes with your body. More importantly, you may start to feel more positive and productive throughout each day. I appreciate that we are all individuals and the best time for you to get the most out of an exercise routine may actually be later in the day. However, there are some great benefits associated with starting your day with a morning workout. Let me share my top three fitness tips with you in an attempt to convince you to jump out of bed early.

3 Ways a Morning Workout Can Improve Your Day

Healthier food choices

When you kick-start your day with exercise, there’s a good chance that you’ll make overall healthier food choices throughout the day. The morning is a time when people often reach for sugary, high fat, high carbohydrate foods, because they feel like these foods help them to wake up. When you start your day with unhealthy choices, you’re setting your body up for a day of blood sugar highs and lows. Sugary foods can be very addictive. Once you start your day with a donut, there’s a greater chance that you’ll continue eating poorly throughout the day.

Get a workout energy boost

The natural energy boost that an exercise routine provides will save you from consuming so many unnecessary and unhealthy calories. Many people I speak to say that they consciously prefer and choose fresh foods after they work out. A workout in the morning that gets your heart rate up and blood flowing can make you feel more alert and positive.

Beat the traffic

If you have to commute to work in rush hour traffic, consider joining a gym close to work. This will help you to use your time more constructively in the morning. Leaving home early to work out instead of sitting in bumper-to-bumper traffic will not only help to improve your body, but the mental benefits and stress relief you may experience could greatly improve your mood. If you can’t join a gym, consider getting to work early and going for a walk.

I understand that during the summer months it’s much easier to adapt to a morning workout routine because it’s bright and inviting outside. During the winter months, I’ll admit that the temptation to stay in bed for an extra hour is much greater—even for a morning workout fan like me. This is why I’m trying to convince you to get started now with a healthy morning routine. If you can make a habit of doing an early workout over the next few weeks, then by the time winter rolls around you won’t want to quit.

### Health and Fitness Guidance visit Happylife Wellness


Why Important Healthy Breakfast ? | How to Creating Your Healthy eating & Healthy Breakfast ?

 Why Important Healthy Breakfast ? | How to Creating Your Healthy eating & Healthy Breakfast ?

What Is a Good Breakfast?

The foods you eat for breakfast can affect how you feel and perform throughout your morning. There are several things that a good breakfast can do for you.

A healthy breakfast can…
  • Keep you fueled up until your next meal or snack. A well balanced breakfast should provide you with staying power. Foods with protein help to satisfy hunger, and high fiber foods help to fill you up.

  • Supply your body and brain with energy. In the morning, your body’s gas tank is running close to empty. When you eat the right foods for breakfast, you’re providing your muscles and brain with the fuel they need for optimal performance.

  • Help avoid blood sugar swings and reduce cravings. A balanced meal that contains both protein and healthy carbohydrates can provide sustained energy throughout your system, and help prevent wild swings in your blood sugar that trigger cravings for sweets or other unhealthy foods. (This applies as long as you don’t have any medical issues regarding your body’s ability to regulate your blood sugar.)

  • Help you make better food choices throughout the day. Breakfast skippers often experience food cravings for sweets and fats that can persist throughout the day. When breakfast is eaten, the cravings for sweets drop dramatically. If the breakfast is high in protein, it tends to also reduce cravings for salty, fatty foods. So, the right foods in the morning can help reduce cravings for unhealthy foods later in the day, and steer you towards healthier choices.

  • Provide enough protein to help support muscle health. Eating enough protein in the morning not only helps satisfy hunger, it can also help maintain muscle health. For many people, typical daily meals tend to provide little protein at breakfast, a bit more at lunch, and a much larger amount at dinner. This is a pattern that may not provide the best conditions for building and repairing muscle tissue. Muscle protein synthesis can improve when protein intake is more evenly distributed throughout the day.

*** How to creating Healthy Habit & Healthy Breakfast Visit Happylife Wellness