
How To Fight PCOS With Diet And Nutrition


How To Fight PCOS With Diet And Nutrition


Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a common ovarian disorder that affects around 15 to 20 per cent of women in the reproductive age. One in five women in India suffers from it. A majority remain unaware of the condition due to lack of sensitisation. The condition affects a woman’s hormonal levels. PCOS also exposes women to a higher risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, depression and obesity. Major contributors to this condition are excessive weight, sedentary lifestyle and improper diet.

Some of the noticeable symptoms are irregular menstrual cycle, darkening of the neck, acne, hair loss and weight-related issues. However, the symptoms and their severity vary.

While there is no cure for PCOS, the disorder is mostly manageable through prescribed hormonal medicines. Naturally, the condition can be brought under control with a holistic diet supported by lifestyle changes. Nutrition plays a vital role in sustaining your overall well-being and thereby managing your PCOS without having to pop pills with damaging side effects.

Here’s what you can include in their diet to effectively manage PCOS:

Including Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Plant-based anti-inflammatory food is extremely useful for decreasing the cortisol levels in the body. Incorporating leafy vegetables like spinach, basil, drinking wheatgrass juice, adding legumes, pulses or including tomatoes in salads is a good way of reducing inflammation in the body, thereby helping to reduce weight, the root cause of many health issues.

Green tea is enriched with immunity-boosting and inflammatory properties; frequent consumption of this soothing beverage is highly recommended. It helps to reduce the cortisol levels and thus regulates the menstrual cycle, controls obesity, infertility, blood sugar, and weight. Additionally, cinnamon and curcumin are both soothing and useful and highly anti-inflammatory, which improves insulin resistance.

Including Fiber



Fiber-rich food promotes the feeling of fullness for a long time. The basic characteristic of fiber is to make you sustain for a long stretch without getting hunger pranks, thereby, helping manage weight.  A fiber-rich diet can also help improve insulin sensitivity. Studies suggest that there is an inverse relationship between fiber intake and insulin resistance, meaning consumption of high fiber diet not only helps to keep a check on weight gain but also help ease the metabolic complication that comes with PCOS.

Adopting Low GI Diet

The glycemic index (GI) is a ranking system that classifies carb-containing foods by their impact on blood sugar levels. There are three GI ratings: low, medium and high. Foods with a low GI value are preferred. They are digested and absorbed slowly, causing a slower and smaller rise in the blood sugar levels. Make a note to include fruits, carrots, chickpeas, kidney beans, lentils and bran breakfast cereals that help lower blood sugar levels.

Choosing Lean Protein And Healthy Fats

High intake of protein and healthy fats are proven to improve insulin resistance. Omega-3 fatty acids help balance your hormones. And, a high-protein diet is much more filling and helps reduce insulin levels, both of which can have positive effects on PCOS symptoms.

You can get healthy fats and lean proteins from unsalted nuts and seeds, lean meat, oily fish, beans, tofu and olive oil.


Cutting Down On Carbs And Limiting Sugar Intake

Reducing carb and limiting refined sugar intake helps improve the hormonal imbalance linked to PCOS and also boost weight loss in women with PCOS. Include healthy carbs like pure oats, quinoa and brown rice in your diet, it will improve insulin resistance. A healthier way to combat sweet cravings is to snack on fiber-rich fruits like apples, bananas, strawberries etc.

Lastly, make sure you add more high chromium and zinc foods in the diet, they help in managing the hormonal imbalance. Include folate and biotin-rich foods to control excessive hair fall experienced due to this metabolic complication. Repeat your tests on time to keep a check on your progress. Stay motivated and stress-free to speed up the recovery process. Remember, small and vital lifestyle transformations will help you manage your symptoms better!

Also Read: A Gynaecologist Debunks 4 Common Myths Attached To PCOS

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Resource :- FEMINA

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