
Showing posts with label exercise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label exercise. Show all posts

3 Ways a Morning Workout Can Improve Your More Active Whole Day


3 Ways a Morning Workout Can Improve Your More Active Whole Day....

Do you struggle to get your day started? Find out how to start it on the right foot with a morning workout.

I love mornings. I happily jump out of bed with a smile to make my cup of tea. And that’s all before 7 a.m. To some, that may sound like torture, especially if you struggle to get out of bed in the morning. I’m not going to suggest that you jump right into a routine of getting up at 5am, but I will suggest that you consider getting up a few minutes earlier each day until you can fit in a full 30-minute morning workout.

If you can make being active in the morning a natural part of your daily routine, I believe that you’ll start to see changes with your body. More importantly, you may start to feel more positive and productive throughout each day. I appreciate that we are all individuals and the best time for you to get the most out of an exercise routine may actually be later in the day. However, there are some great benefits associated with starting your day with a morning workout. Let me share my top three fitness tips with you in an attempt to convince you to jump out of bed early.

3 Ways a Morning Workout Can Improve Your Day

Healthier food choices

When you kick-start your day with exercise, there’s a good chance that you’ll make overall healthier food choices throughout the day. The morning is a time when people often reach for sugary, high fat, high carbohydrate foods, because they feel like these foods help them to wake up. When you start your day with unhealthy choices, you’re setting your body up for a day of blood sugar highs and lows. Sugary foods can be very addictive. Once you start your day with a donut, there’s a greater chance that you’ll continue eating poorly throughout the day.

Get a workout energy boost

The natural energy boost that an exercise routine provides will save you from consuming so many unnecessary and unhealthy calories. Many people I speak to say that they consciously prefer and choose fresh foods after they work out. A workout in the morning that gets your heart rate up and blood flowing can make you feel more alert and positive.

Beat the traffic

If you have to commute to work in rush hour traffic, consider joining a gym close to work. This will help you to use your time more constructively in the morning. Leaving home early to work out instead of sitting in bumper-to-bumper traffic will not only help to improve your body, but the mental benefits and stress relief you may experience could greatly improve your mood. If you can’t join a gym, consider getting to work early and going for a walk.

I understand that during the summer months it’s much easier to adapt to a morning workout routine because it’s bright and inviting outside. During the winter months, I’ll admit that the temptation to stay in bed for an extra hour is much greater—even for a morning workout fan like me. This is why I’m trying to convince you to get started now with a healthy morning routine. If you can make a habit of doing an early workout over the next few weeks, then by the time winter rolls around you won’t want to quit.

### Health and Fitness Guidance visit Happylife Wellness