
Dietary guidelines: DIABETES

Dietary guidelines: DIABETES

Drink plenty of water.

Maintain your healthy/ ideal body weight.

Have small frequent meals in a day and don’t skip any meal. The gap between two meals, however, should not exceed 3 to 3½hours in order to maintain blood glucose levels.

Eat more of fiber in diet hence eat more of fruits and vegetables. Vegetables such as broccoli, beans, spinach, peas and leafy vegetables can be consumed and fruits like apple, papaya, guava, kiwi, oranges, pear, etc.

Include complex carbs in diet like wholewheat grains, brown rice, oats, etc.
Include lean protein in diet like lean chicken, fish, sprouts, pulses and low-fat dairy products in diet like skimmed milk, yogurt.

Eat healthy fats like Omega-3 in the diet. E.g.Fish, flax seeds, olive oil, walnuts, etc.
The recommended cooking methods for non-veg items are baking, grilling, roasting, steaming, boiling or broiling.

Include fenugreek seeds, flax seeds, cinnamon powder and wheat grass in the diet. (Overnight soaked methi seeds are also considered an effective remedy). Limit the salt intake in the diet.

Exercise daily for 30 mints at least. Helps in controlling weight in the obese and diabetic patients by improving the insulin sensitivity and thereby lowering the blood glucose levels. E.g. walking, cycling, swimming, etc. 
Sleep well.

Avoid all simple carbs in diet like white rice, white bread, media, corn flour, etc.

Avoid all processed, sugary, junk and fried food.

Avoid eating sugar, honey, jaggery, sugarcane, pickles in oil.

Don’t eat fruits like banana, mango, chickoo, custard apple, jack fruit, and grapes.

Avoid eating saturated fat in diet like butter, red meat, mayonnaise, etc.

Avoid eating roots and tubers like potato, sweet potato, etc.

Avoid drinking aerated drinks.

Avoid drinking alcohol.

Avoid drinking coconut water, milkshakes and fruit juices (instead consume a whole fruit).

Manage your stress levels. Try yoga.

Quit smoking.

Don't let the Diabetes control you! You control the Diabetes!

### Weight loss, Health, Fitness and Child Nutrition Guidance visit Happylife Wellness

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